Thursday, March 8, 2012


It's been a long time coming, but I have had oodles of stuff going on.  To reward you for your patience, I present you wit the ewwiest experiment yet! In honor of Dr. Seuss' 108th birthday, we are doing an Oobleck float/sink experiment.

Lab Materials:
  • 2 cups of Cornstarch
  • 1 cup of Water
  • Food Coloring (optional)
  • Objects of various weight/density (I used pennies, yarn, toothpick, & a marble)
Once more, beware the mess!  :)
First, mix the food coloring into the water.

Next, carefully mix the water and the cornstarch.  You may want to do this in batches, but no matter what you do, the cornstarch will end up at the bottom, creating a kind of quicksand effect.

I recommend that you allow your scientist to play in the oobleck (this gives them an idea of the Oobleck's properties for the next section).  Scoop deep into the bowl and pick some up.  Squeeze it tight in your hand, then open up your hand.  What does the oobleck do?

For the second half of the experiment:  Show your scientist different objects.  Have him/her predict whether or not the object will float or sink.

Next, using their fingers have them "walk their fingers" across the oobleck at varying speeds.  Have them hold their fingers still in one place.  What happens.
Here is a link to one of my favorite oobleck videos:

Have a Seusstastic day!

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